Friday, July 20, 2007

2007 Agenda

Friday night

17:28 - Erect tents.
17:30 - BBQ - no-one has brought burgers or rolls, just lard.
18:01 - Beer in Pear Tree
19:28 - Aunt Sally tournament @ The Bell
21:21 - Food somewhere


12 noon - Festival opens - beer
13:00 - Londoners arrive
13:15 - Brighton contingent arrive
14:29 - Londoners finally 'get it up' (the tent)
13:00 - Football fans forums (West Ham, Man Yoo, Citeh, Seagulls in heated discussion)
14:00 - Comedy half-hour - Sven Goran Eriksson and Manchester City
14:30 - Torrential downpour. Adjourn to play chess.
15:00 - Rain relents. Adjourn to park for real-life football
16:12 - Twilight zone - Queues build for Roddy Doyle's (Fish&Chip) Van
17:09 - Some barrels start to run dry
19:45 - Pear Tree for community singing
23:27 - Police encourage locals to go home and stop fighting


08:26 - Full English Breakfast is served. Unfortunately, no-one brought bacon, eggs, mushroom, sausages or ketchup (just lard)

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